Monday, February 8, 2010

confessions of a cynic

Love always evaded me. I understood the biology but the chemistry was esoteric. Not that i was lovelorn. I simply refused to reciprocate love. I have always thought of love as a weakness which tramples self respect. How could you love someone more than yourself! To me, love was suffering; nothing more, nothing less.

Moira and Peace were madly in love. Only that they did not flaunt it, lest Moira should be in trouble. I was the common friend and i was the facilitator. I accompanied them to the movie,the nearby eatery, the mall, the beach.............

..........Playing gooseberry did not help; i was still uncertain about love.The more i legitimed their relationship, the more whimsical i grew. period.

One day i was called upon to accompany them. The boy or the girl (i do not remember which) tempted me with a treat. This time i decided to fake a headache. I exited my den (read deptt.), tensed up my facial muscles and made a straight face. I saw them coming, holding hands (almost), whispering sweet nothings and waving at me.

I decided against faking that headache.....

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